Things turn strangely hostile in /r/drugs when users argue if older or younger people could handle an acid trip better.

Dude, you literally have a post about your mom choking you and attacking you with a bowl, I don't think her or your judgment for that matter is a good frame of reference. The inherent danger of tripping while younger is that you are still learning about and finding your place in the world, add that to the fact that puberty itself is an already trying time. Your mid 20s is where you really start establishing your role and your place in society, which makes your tripping self much more grounded.

Okay shut the fuck up, you know absolutely nothing about my life. You have no right to use that against me in an argument because you don't know the context. My mom was kidnapped, raped and tortured when she was a teenager and she is mentally ill from PTSD. This happened before she had PTSD. Blocked.

This, folks, is why I periodically delete my comments. Going through my history and being like hey, you said x and that's hypocritical! That's fine. Going through my history and being like well all your unrelated views are invalid because you were abused as a child is not. Like what are people supposed to do? Curl up under a rock and die because apparently if they've been abused they can't have a seat at the adult table?

/r/SubredditDrama Thread