Thinking of getting an IUD, can anyone help with my questions?

It hurts, but not as bad as people make it sound! I took some ibuprofen beforehand though so maybe that helped. I was fine to drive myself home right after. I was actually fine until I got home and cramps started coming on pretty bad so keep some pain killers on hand!

My period never actually went away. I still got regular periods, and really long spotting between periods. Like sometimes I would spot up until my next period. I had the Mirena for only a little over 6 months hoping it would stop but never did so I got it removed.

I used to get REALLY bad cramps - like stay in bed and only get up to puke bad - and the Mirena actually did stop those, so yay! However, before the IUD I had pretty terrible acne and it just got worse after I got it.

If he feels anything, it'll be the string. Otherwise it's not inserted properly, and you'll know if it isn't.

The general consensus here is that the IUD is God's gift to women but, like all forms of BC, it's not for everyone. I loved it because I didn't have to worry about remembering anything but the side effects I got from it just weren't worth it for me.

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