Thooorin's humble opinion on LoL vs. CS GO

Oh yes, the classic american football vs soccer argument. Aka the stuff I like is better than the stuff you like.

To add to this your arguments are rather iffy, you speak about paywall when the only game behind one is in fact CS and yes I know what you meant, level playing field etc but we are talking about video games here, my pc/monitor/mouse/kb are all behind a paywall.

You talk about balance which is more or less irrelevant in terms of skill in all 3 games (in dota/lol ban pick order could be imbalanced).

History is also flakey as CS:GO and DoTA2 are both younger than LoL, of course you could add 1.6/source to CS but than you would have to respect LoLs heritage towards DoTA (if you played Dota you could easily convert this skill towards LoL).

Than there is skill. No game has been mastered. None. So where is the difference in skill bigger (an indicator of skill ceiling)? I have no idea. In my eyes CS and LoL still have top teams that stand tall above the rest of the pack (cant say in DoTA, havent watched/followed since the last TI but my guess it also aplies). You could also have meant general skill needed to play. So the question becomes at what time played the average gamer reaches the average elo in all 3 games. My guess is DoTA>LoL>>>>CS. This is nothing that matters in my book as this only concerns the casual gamer and has no significance in higher level play.

Sorry this ended in a rant. I actually just wanted to write that first paragraph but then I read your comment again and it rubbed me really the wrong way.

TL;DR Who gives a fuck what you play and watch. Try all games, pick what you like.

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