Thousands to receive basic income in Finland: a trial that could lead to the greatest societal transformation of our time

Advances like this will eventually end the usefulness of humans. It encourages automation which will eventually lead to people not having any viable jobs, with the developed world being left in a radically different state than that of the present. The human population, although gradually increasing thanks to industrialization could no longer be supported unless we reach a post-scarcity economy. In this next century, our civilization will have to make that jump to a new kind of system, which facilitates automation but ca only support so many people. There will be two trends which must be focused on, population growth and the amount of automation in the workforce. Automation must stay ahead of population growth as more people are put out of work to be able to support such a society. Ours may be in a vulnerable space in the next century or two, its best to avoid such advancements and progress in a different direction, one which requires a human workforce and that keeps people on a payroll.

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