Three Richard Spencer supporters arrested on charges of shooting at UF protesters

This is why I often wonder at what point does "peacefully marching/speaking in favor of genocide" become the active recruitment of potential terrorists and/or incitement to violence. Sure, they aren't doing anything violent but if they are out trying to inspire the next Dylan Roof? Or try to rile up angry, illogical, emotional, imperfect humans being to the point to where they start shooting into crowds? Would we consider a group of American-born ISIS sympathizers marching through the streets of Middle America shouting propaganda in a completely "peaceful" way a group of "law-abiding citizens exercising their 1st Amendment Rights" or would we consider them to be publicly trying to recruit terrorists that should be stopped? Or should they be stopped? I dunno, and I'm not saying I agree with everything that I'm implying above cuz I don't, just things that I often think about. Would we consider BLM chanting "What do we want? Dead Cops? When do we want it? Now!"* to be "peacefully protesting"?

Free speech, and the protection of Free speech, is a complicated subject that can sometimes unfortunately cause some undesirable outcomes, obviously.

*It should be noted that this video is used in misleading ways in my opinion, as it was taken after the MillionsMarchNYC protests in New York City, a protest that attracted 60,000 people, meaning that the number of people chanting for dead cops after the end of the officially organized march was less than one half of one percent of the total protesters there(ended around 6pm, video of dead cops chant is clearly taken at night)

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