TIL that the role of April Ludgate was specifically created for Aubrey Plaza, after the casting director met her and felt she was, "weirdest girl I’ve ever met in my life."

She only inherited $5 million dollars and turned it into a billion dollar empire.

$5 million can buy a lot of smart people to manage your career, which is exactly what she has done. Not to mention the fact that the only reason her first show (The Simple Life) was so popular was because she was "accidentally" the star of a porno movie a couple months before release. Before that porno, no one knew or gave a fuck about who she was. But if staring in porn is your idea of a brilliant business venture, I don't know what to tell you. Not to knock the porn industry but how she got noticed was the most blatant form of shameless self-promotion.

I don't care how rich you are, if you don't have smarts you're going to lose money instead of making money in this world. It's not easy to accumulate wealth so she gets my respect on the business front.

She's not new money. She comes from a long line of heirs with teams of people who know money: how to manage it, how to keep it, how to use it to accumulate more of it. If anything, she has a smart core of people looking out for her. Both because they want to be in her favor (because she's loaded) and it doesn't hurt to be in her family's favor as well obviously. If you're a money manager making $100k a year and you've earned the right to manage the portfolio of an heiress and overnight media sensation making millions a year, you're going to do your best to make the most out of the situation. Not to help her per se, but because you're going to be making a percentage of her earnings. If anything, she's a genius because she hired a smart group of people who've managed her money well while she's basically made a career out of showing up at parties for a living.

Give me 3 examples of her brilliance, things that only she could have done without a team of people looking out for her interests that has bettered her career and contributed to her wealth, and I'll admit I'm wrong. Again, I don't think she's an idiot or anything like she portrays herself to be in the media, but I also don't buy for a second that she's some kind of business ingenue either. IMO, she's just an average girl who hit the jackpot by being born with a silver spoon and having good looks to boot. Her major "talent" and thing she's now known almost exclusively for is showing up at clubs who pay her for her time.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org