TIL the zany Dan Aykroyd comedy 'My Stepmother Is an Alien' was suppose to be a drama, an allegory about child abuse. The original writer pitched a movie about a child's nightmarish vision of his stepmother as an evil alien. After 3 studios and many rewrites it evolved into the '88 box-office flop.

Based on what you told us the original script was about child abuse but the script was re-written so many times the resulting movie was clearly not about child abuse. It was about her widowed/divorced(?) father finding a new wife who literally was an alien

Anyway this movie is peculiarly fresh in my mind because a couple years ago my boyfriend was watching this movie from beginning to end up in his bedroom and 1st of all he never ever watches TV in his bedroom because he doesn't like doing that , and he also never sits through movie all by himself and especially not in the middof a perfectly good sun-shiny day. so all of this was completely peculiar

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org