Is Tinder racist? White, nearly all female, college age upper-middle class kids discuss.

Cold approach don't work. Approaching strangers is fucking weird. You need to be practically Adonis to get any success with that, and even that won't work a lot. The fundamental approach is wrong

Again, you're just using personal opinion against evidence. Anecdotal evidence, but still; do you think guys would do it if it never worked? People are dumb, but no one likes rejection that much.

Biggest manwhore I know met only one woman through cold approach, every other girl was an acquaintance or mutual friend

Oh god, you have your own anecdotal evidence? Now we have to throw out everyone elses', and they were so excited to be taking part...

Instead of focusing on women and sexual relationships only, focus on building a wide social network with a lot of acquaintances. Inevitably, some of those will be women you like. And cool women tend to have cool girlfriends, so even if you don't work out with one, if you stay friends with her you get to meet her girlfriends who might be equally cool and attractive

This is just too rich. This is almost verbatim, the exact same advice you would find on /r/seduction, you just disagree on whether or not you should sleep with friends. The fact is there is no correct answer. For some people sex is a fun diversion, for some it's a deeply emotional or even religious experience. So feel free to fuck your friends if you like, but let me tell you something from experience. Breakups aren't always amicable. Maybe you'll go through life without ever suffering a nasty break up, and I really hope you do. Truly. Because they aren't fun. You won't go back to being friends. You won't even see a lot of your old friends. Because when a nasty split happens, the friends have to choose, and you might not like finding out who they liked more.


Since you want to use your own anecdote, let me tell you mine. Growing up I had no men in the house, and my mother was a borderline radical feminist (for a 1st/2nd wave feminist. Before The PatriarchyTM and micro-agressions and rape culture. My mom did accuse me of being abusive a lot (Which did really fuck with me, for a really long time. Seriously, don't do that shit to your kids. I love my mom to death, but don't), and my sister always got off lighter with punishments, even if she started the fight. Well, she raised me to be a proper gentleman, hold the door for women, etc. Only problem was I never had any male influences. Like I said, I was three years younger's than all my classmates, I skipped ahead a few grades. The only guys who didn't hate me growing up were the all inclusive group, the nerds. Fun fact about nerd stereotypes; and all stereotypes for that matter. No stereotype exists without some grain of truth in it. As it turns out, a lot of kids who like Pokemon and Magic aren't great with women.

I never had a strong male influence growing up, and by the time I reached high school I was the doormat I described. I fell in love with a girl, we'll call her Amber. Amber is one of the most amazing girls I've ever met. We're still friends to this day, though we've drifted apart since I moved. She had a horrible, shitty childhood, a rough family life, and that abusive ex I was talking about was not something I made up. In spite of all that, she's smart, funny, and managed to keep me alive through my depression. She did have a few fatal flaw though, she was immature and rash. She responded to my passive behavior by cheating on me. Then telling me. Then telling me it was a lie, and she was testing me and I failed. And then that it was actually true she just needed to gauge my reaction. That would normally be where your dad, or your buddies would step in and tell you she's bad news. Except I didn't have those. One girl had the guts to tell me she was going to ruin me if I let her, and I ignored her. The result was I spent 6 years, through high school and my Associate's Degree, head over heels in love with this girl. By the way, the cheating thing wasn't a one time deal. She would routinely cheat on me as we dated off and on, and hold the prospect of sex over my head as a weapon. And a lot of that is my fault, I let her walk all over me. But by the time I was out of college I was a 20 year old man who had slept with one (extremely crazy, also, not the one in the story) girl a handful of times.

No self-confidence, and I had never been in a relationship with a girl I didn't know, and I was now in the middle of a brand new city where I knew not a single person. But I forgot. I was supposed to learn how to talk to people in high school, so I'm not allowed. Now I have to just sit at home all day pretend you people on reddit are my friends :(

...I can't believe I have to explain this to grown men, but here it is

And you close it off with this little patronizing bit. You haven't explained anything to me. In fact, you mostly have just used circular arguments and anecdotal evidence while ignoring anything you found convenient. I'd be really surprised if you even read the whole post. If you did, you're probably chuckling about what a loser I used to be, and that's fine. It doesn't bother me, and it's true. But maybe it will sink in enough that you understand that just because you think something is easy, doesn't mean it is. Ask a depressed person how easy getting out of the house is, and you'll find out easy is a realtive term. I really hope you'll eventually be able look beyond you're own prejudices and see that sometimes things for men can suck just as bad as they do for women.

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