So tired of the in my day argument

I don't get why people are hating on this so much. Two years of CC and two years of University after transferring credits is MUCH cheaper than 4 years at University.

You can get the exact same degree in the same amount of time or less by doing 2 years at CC and 2 years at the state university. I used to laugh at my friends who went directly into the State University for 4 years. I paid much less, learned a lot more(some of my classes at CC had 10 people in it, compared to the 50+ in University), and it took the same amount of time.

Granted that most of them had their parents pay for it, and let them drive their BMWs to school, so the people who went from HS to University really didn't care about cost. Most people just need to plan better. Even now those 2 years of University are going to cost me less than I make at a minimum wage job with help from grants and scholarships.

If you're going for a Masters or Doctorate you should already have a job after your first 4 years. Most people don't bother looking for internships until it is too late. You literally have ONE summer to get an internship, and people ignore it.

I'm probably going to get downvoted for just agreeing with you, but some people just need to own up to their mistakes instead of blaming a flawed system. There are plenty of students who made it through just fine. I do sympathize with those that just got screwed over to one reason or another, but the majority of student debt is in the fault of the student. To repeat the reasons: poor planning, jumping straight into University, wasting time by not getting internships, not even bothering to look at "free" aid like grants and scholarships, let alone not looking into part time jobs to cover the essential costs, or for the love of god living in your parents home until you're 22(the horror).

When I hear people saying they're still 30k+ in debt for a 4 year degree I can't help but to wonder what they fucked up on.

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