Top Democrat, who suggested using Bernie Sanders' alleged atheism against him, resigns from DNC

I'm going to preface this by getting one thing out in the open - I'm a gullible idiot.

I say this because I donated to the DNC this year, as well as Bernie Sanders. I gave money to the DNC with the expectation that it would be used to help achieve their stated policy goals, and help candidates on their ticket win. Instead of doing this, they spent it paying salaries of people who conspired to use a man's atheism against him, a quality I share. They also actively used my own money to undermine my candidate, collude with the media to paint Sanders supporters like myself as violent racists, and now tell me I'm childish and immature for being upset over it.

My point is, the fact that they spent time sitting around in the office suggesting ways to use his atheism against him was an act itself - a waste of my money and others like me. They were not paid to do nothing, they were paid to work for the candidates and the people. The fact that they did not act (that we're aware of) does not erase the fact that they took money for doing nothing they still did in fact lie to me and waste my money. They should have been trying to paint both candidates in a positive light, and spent that time trying to make sure both would be supported in the general election regardless of who won.

They did not.

They proved that they do not value freedom of religion, and are still very willing to use someone's lack of Christianity against them.

If you want to vote for a party who has no problems attacking atheists and using their beliefs (or lack thereof) as a weapon, go right ahead. But that just doesn't sit well with me and the email exchange on this was more than enough proof of their true opinion of us.

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