Trans advocates want to debate me but it's honestly triggering

I honestly don't agree with this. If a kid wants to transition because they feel isolated from their peers of the same sex, missing out on normally-timed puberty experiences is just going to make them feel more isolated and reinforce to them that they aren't like those other kids.

I've also witnessed directly the effects of delayed puberty on a sibling (due to a DSD, not puberty blockers) and they were not just physically behind their peers, they were also much less emotionally mature than other kids their age before their puberty was medically induced. Preventing puberty may not give kids time to mature for later decision-making, it may prevent that maturity from developing.

I'm obviously not an expert in this stuff, so take all this with a grain of salt, but the idea of using puberty blockers like a pause button with no consequences doesn't sit right with me at all

/r/detrans Thread Parent