Trans as biology or...? (TW: truscum)

I'm very insulted when people say things like "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter"

those people are obviously not saying this in good faith, you shouldnt take them seriously.

First of all you should probably have a better understanding of what truscum means, not a strawman position, an actual understanding.

if you are willing to actually read stuff "from the other side" here is a big masterpost explaining the different things

when you click the links change the url that gives you a not found page for the url of the masterpost link

heres another link about truscum stuff written by toni dorsay, very prominent trans lady, read the about, very qualified.

with the race aspect, that I shouldn't hugely get into myself, instead I should produce things people have said, its probably worth talking about how the concept of the gender binary and the sex binary was not always the way it is today.

This is relevant in the discussion about race, and truscum-y stuff, but I can only really link and not comment myself because I am myself white and not the best person to talk about race.

a thing about different cultures and transgender peoples role in them and

Analyses on the Colonial Gender System

There is also a lot of shit specifically talking about the differences between dolezal and trans people, specifically caitlyn jenner, but it applies to all trans people.

very good link

also very good, read these two first ones first

here is a link that goes to three articles

the quoted article in that link

nother thing

kat blaque a black trans women made a video about this with further commentary by her in a comment below the video

/r/asktransgender Thread