Trolling the protestors

I'm a fervent atheist and evolutionalist. Every single species on earth has survived through gene mytations and adaptation. Can you explain me to me how one sexual mammal trying to reproduce with another sexual mammal of the same sex is advantageous? Because if humans have been around 200k years, it would be obvious that only sexual reproduction, and not homosexual rekationslationships, would prevail. Nature only rewards those that reproduce. And it is inevitable, that through millions and millions of generations, that this trait would be bred out. How would Darwin and Freud reconcile their ideology regarding reproduction??

I just want to state up front: if your answer is that "it's natural": my dog eating his shit is natural. Dogs, cats, as dolphins, have sex with anything, and that's natural; including dolphins having sex with with dead bodies. If your answer is that "it's natural", and therefore it's okay for humans to do, then you're ado okay with humans having sex with dead bodies.

The point is, we, the evolutionists who keep questioning you, are waiting for an answer; and you keep failing to give it. Where, in any part if history, did squirting semen into a person's rectum, give them an evolutionary advantage?

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