Trump is the GOP’s Frankenstein monster. Now he’s strong enough to destroy the party. "It is the party’s own political crimes that are being punished in a bit of cosmic justice fit for a Greek tragedy."

Your wishful thinking is lovely and I wish I could agree with it. However, here comes the reality enema: State legislatures control redistricting (gerrymandering). These legislatures are overwhelmingly Republican. Thus, they will continue to draw lines that favor their party.

Further, a Republican is going to win the Presidency this year, and along with that will come Republican gains in state and national legislatures. Beyond that, the Republican President is going to appoint judges who will approve Republican-drawn districts when the (increasingly fewer) number of Democrats files suit against the gerrymandering.

You assert that younger voters are overwhelmingly liberal, but younger legislators in fact are overwhelmingly conservative. In other words, something's not right with the assumption that young voters are so overwhelmingly liberal. You say that the Republican party is doomed due to age, but the facts actually suggest otherwise: voter participation skews heavily toward the Republicans even among young people. In other words, even though more young people may identify with the left, more young people who actually go to the polls and vote end up voting Republican.

In 2020, Trump's going to be running for his 2nd term. It's possible that he may be so terrible that he loses, but that depends on a viable Democratic candidate. Who's that going to be? Tulsi Gabbard? Kamala Harris? They've got almost nobody in the pipe.

Scream and yell all you want. Claim that your statements are "facts" all you like. The reality is that the Democrats are in a shit ton of trouble, they've spent 35 years digging themselves into this hole, and they have no plan to dig themselves out.

The Republicans understand this: hope is not a strategy. So they have a strategy: win statehouses one after another, and win the right to draw districts. The Democrats, on the other hand, hope that young people will vote, and hope that brown people will move in and turn out to be Democrats. Hope isn't a strategy, and strategy beats the living shit out of hope time and time again.

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