Trump Silent After Newtown Asks Him To Denounce Sandy Hook Deniers

The amount of mass lost to light energy is incredibly small. Here's a sample calculation:

Suppose we have a 60 watt incandescent lightbulb, and we power it for 10 seconds. The bulb uses 600 joules of energy. However, like a jet engine, the vast majority of this is dissipated as heat (where no loss in mass is incurred), not converted to photons. So let's assume the bulb is 5% efficient (this is generous). That means that in 10 seconds, this bulb emits 30 joules of light energy. Now, I'm gonna pull a number out of my ass and say that a jet engine is as bright as 100,000 lightbulbs. So, how much mass is lost to light energy when powering this made up engine?

E = (30)(100,000) = 3x106 joules E = mc2 = 3x106 m = (3x106)/(3x108) = 0.01 kg = 10g

So, if you power 100,000 5% efficient 60 watt lightbulbs for 10 seconds, you lose 10 grams of mass to light energy.

Of course, this makes the ridiculous assumption that the lightbulb is undergoing a nuclear reaction, which is untrue; in fact, no mass is being lost in this process. I just wanted to give you an idea of how little mass would be lost.

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