TSM vs. Virtus.pro | BO1 | 06.04.15 | 21:00 CEST

Player stats

Player Name Primary Team Rating (?) Total K/D K/D Ratio Kills per round
device TSM 1.16 5214/4234 1.23 0.78
dupreeh TSM 1.12 6626/5631 1.18 0.77
pashaBiceps Virtus.pro 1.11 10846/9498 1.14 0.77
Snax Virtus.pro 1.11 7817/6575 1.19 0.74
cajunb TSM 1.10 4760/4157 1.15 0.74
TaZ Virtus.pro 1.05 10933/10081 1.08 0.72
Xyp9x TSM 1.05 7078/6361 1.11 0.69
byali Virtus.pro 1.05 7896/7074 1.12 0.71
NEO Virtus.pro 1.04 10674/9903 1.08 0.70
karrigan TSM 0.97 5430/5557 0.98 0.69

Team stats

Team Name Maps Played Wins / Draws / Losses Recent matches
Virtus.pro 327 198 / 9 / 120 16-14, 12-16, 16-12, 17-19
TSM 33 16 / 0 / 17 13-16, 6-16, 16-11, 14-16


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