Two Chinese intelligence officers accused of stealing US jet engine tech


i cant even

nuclear weaponary was stolen from germany. german scientist moved to america during ww2 without the consent of germany.. i guess your just going to argue something a long the line as "they were going to discover it anyways", or "they moved on their own free will". but than again chinese people who took the technology also moved to america to study and they moved on their own will

of course since usa is "always right and the good of the world" we cannot accept the fact that the WHOLE WORLD including all of the west stole from another country and if someone did the same to them, they are evil.

evidence? since learning knowledge and sharing it is technically stealing to you, the american brand superdry that uses japanese words "stole" the language. wait remember paper, man that came from china and it was kept closely guarded and a secret for hundreds of year. guess the people decided to randomly release the recipe but that isnt stolen?

oh ye the copyright law except the fact it didnt exist back than

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