The Tyler1 Issue.

This guy has been intentionally sniping, then trolling, then attempting to self-promote after the troll in big streamers games forever. His gimmick of playing in high elo on a trackpad failed to blow up his stream or get him the attention he thought he deserved, so he has been diligently throwing and soft inting ever since and trying to use the negative attention to grow his channel. The whole "but I did my best after picking a suboptimal champ" argument is bogus here. Picking an off meta champ because you think it is the right call or you can make it work is one thing, but this guy literally makes picks that he knows will sabotage matches even if executed correctly on purpose to troll and tilt streamers.

This is not a case of someone being punished for going off-meta, this is a case of someone who is finally being rightfully suspended for their extensive history of doing their absolute best to ruin LoL streamers days and financially benefit off the negative attention it brings. If this guy is in your lobby and no one is streaming, you are going to be fine, if this guy is in your lobby with a streamer, its an instant dodge, because 80% of the time he will find a way to throw the game, promote his stream, then give a woe-is-me speech afterward about how the followers of whatever streamer he inted this time are "toxic".

/r/leagueoflegends Thread