UK businessman and Putin critic Bill Browder 'arrested on Russian Interpol arrest warrant in Spain'

First of all... I'm American. Never been outside America, besides the Bahamas.

Secondly... so you just proved my point. The UK approved this.

Russia pushed three times between 2012 and 2015 to get Interpol to issue arrest orders against Mr. Browder. Having failed each time to convince the police organization that it did not have political motives, it announced this summer that it would try yet again.

So, 3 times the UK denied this from happening, due to lack of evidence. But, now, the UK approved the warrant, assuredly, because there was sufficient evidence.

I don't understand what your argument is, exactly. Are you arguing that the UK approved the Interpol Arrest of Browder... because the UK is in a secret alliance with Russia?

Why do YOU think the UK approved the arrest of Browder THIS time, despite previously denying 3 times? Why didn't the UK just deny the arrest warrant again, as they have done before? If it's not because there was sufficient evidence... what is your theory?

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