UK businessman and Putin critic Bill Browder 'arrested on Russian Interpol arrest warrant in Spain'

I'm suggesting that Interpol doesn't arrest people who aren't suspected to be guilt of a crime.

Are you asserting that Russia controls Interpol, and is using it to arrest its enemies and deport them to Russia, without ANY evidence of a crime taking place? Because that would potentially be the biggest news story in decades.

In reality, if Russia wants to arrest a UK national in Spain, using Interpol, they cannot do it if the UK does not want them to.

So, the UK allowed Russia to do this. So, if your theory about Bill Browder NOT being a suspect in a crime were to hold water, BOTH Russia, and the UK would need to be in on this conspiracy to falsely arrest Bill Browder. Is that your assertion? Or do you agree that Bill Browder was likely the suspect in a crime, by Interpol(which includes the UK).

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