Unity or Clockwork NYC

Here's Bab's letter:

Dear Josh Griffiths,

So where did we go wrong josh? when did we hurt you? huh? was it all the time fabio clemente spent training you? the time i spent on you... was it all the time fabio glowingly spoke of you and treated you like a brother... all the time i constantly took to encourage you...was it when fabio (an amazing single father of two) made you sign up at the ny sports club with him so he could show you how to work out...was it when he started showing you how to use the rowing machine (fabio was a rowing champion in brazil with the famous club flamengo)... when did he hurt you? was it when we formed you from an unsure young man to a confident competitor...i'm hearing some rumor that you taught yourself jiujitsu.lol...lol..for the tourists buying that nonsense from you please let them know i got a beautiful antique bridge in brooklyn i need to get off my inventory... was it when you told ari that fabio was the most loyal guy you knew...when did he hurt you.. was it when marcelo garcia came over with his genius jiujitsu and tried to push you into becoming a serious training partner for him..when did marcelo hurt you.. huh josh? the guy had a 200 watt smile for you and every other person..was it when he attracted more and more students to the school...was it when you told me that marcelo's so cool because laimon, camarillo and others would come to town and he wouldn't charge them for privates that they were ready to pay for...was that when he became the irresponsible, thieving brazilian you and your surrogates are trying to paint him to be (by the way i'm impressed with how you've embraced the xenophobes among us) ...when did fabio hurt you. was it when he started letting you give his business partner private lessons so you could work your way into a job with the guy's hedgefund...was that when he hurt you josh?? "I want to help out the kid" he said at the time. "I want to help out the kid". was that when fabio hurt you josh? was it when i stood in your corner along with marcelo at pan ams and gave you every bit of energy i had.. was it when you texted me the 2nd day of the mundials saying "I need the vocal Babs in my corner today"...I forgot about the errands i had to do and did 85mph down the 405 so i could get there on time which i did - boy did i want you to win it all ..was that when i hurt you josh? was it when i spoke to you at the same mundials saying "please make sure you help out fabio at the school" and you said you were really going to help him be real comfortable..lol... lol..was it when you failed to get into the Stern School of Business at NYU...was that when we hurt you...is that when the scheming started josh?? was it when the kid would call you up to come help clean up the new school (27th street space) and you would say you were just getting up and wouldn't bother to show up..was it when fabio would be at the new location a site he took a year and more to find (so much friggin legwork) overseeing the contractors and running back and forth from home depot...was that when he hurt you? all the years i have known you there was alway an incessant talk of money - "gettin paid". "money this" and "money that" if i didn't know better i'd think you grew up penniless but that of course is not the case. So after failing to get into business school you now decided to dedicate time to jiujitsu as a business. what happened to your job selling reverse mortgages? I thought you were making 6 figures? I mean, that's what you told us. what, was it boring? and if you wanted jiu jitsu instruction as a career, why didn't you simply support those who did nothing but help you in the past? you know marketing? you never helped market anything here. you like a clean gym? i never saw you once pick up a vacuum or mop in the 7 years of you training here. well maybe once, but i had to ask you. So marcelo garcia wanted a piece of the business and fabio's business partner said no while fabio wanted to give it to him. one week you're saying you're friends with everybody and the next week after fabio took the keys from you when he realized you were scheming in the background, you were now loudly saying"we made marcelo garcia a great offer". lol..you should never have been conferring with his business partner in any way without his knowledge ... how you should be in any kind of position to be making talent like marcelo garcia any kind of offer is beyond me. actually it's not, you simply had the required level of deviousness. What could you have done?? you could have completely stayed on the sidelines and let things be hashed out amongst the principals. what you did was influence a business you had no right to influence. This school was started by fabio clemente-a great jiujitsu teacher,your teacher and a man who has raised his two beautiful teenage kids alone since they were 4 and 2 respectively.He ran the school with an assist from me and an immense (humongous) assist in the last year from marcelo.you had no right to support a lawsuit against these men (your teachers josh!!!!!!!!!). etc...."

/r/bjj Thread Parent