Video game and social media addiction

Oh man yes. The fakery. That's what I call it. It can be 'real', just like fiat currency is real. You can fool yourself for some time. But it isn't real. Nothing real is produced. You make nothing and you grow not at all, despite watching some growth in some thing. More likes. Oh my look at all the people reading my blog. It's way way over 9000. But it's fake.

I think it's the sin of envy. What do I want? That's the wrong question. Never ask yourself what you want. It's a lie that modernity tells us to ask ourselves to imagine what we can have. Never do that. Remember, you can never have what you want. You will never have what you can imagine.

But it's great. You can have what you can get. You can realign your thoughts so you do not ever think what do you want. You can not have what you want. But instead to think, what can I get?

It's grounding as well. It forces you to see where you truly are. It's pretty bad where you truly at. Who cares? You can't have what you want. But where are you and what can you get?

That's the real question

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