Virginia poll: Clinton leads Trump by 15 points

Well, the party is literally eating itself.

I tuned in to talk radio the other day for a little bit to try and view the GOP feed, "Obama and the democrats are trying to invite the UN into the US to take your guns away"

It actually made me sad for my country.

That kind of fear-stoking reads like a madlib. And it's exactly that kind of "If you ain't with us, you're against us!" mentality plus fear has led the party so awry. The dependency on fear and binary reasoning as impetus to believe anything has led to chasms within the party. As each successive segment pivots to the moderate/rational to maintain sensibility, it finds itself sheered from the main iceburg, losing any political clout it had. This is a huge reason why the GOP seems to be so insane--it is a victim of itself and trapped in a bad way. It is slowly splintering in a kind of rampant, cyclical fashion, as the far right wing retreats further and further right, and pulls along the bulk of those now dependent on feeling fear and skepticism as prerequisite justifications for their beliefs. While this is a political phenomenon, I do think that the GOP will recover, in time, and look forward to it. In the mean time, I'm supporting their candidate, HRC.

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