I volunteer with Planned Parenthood and they always come in clutch with helpful tips in their weekly emails. Wanted to share this one in case anyone finds it helpful. stay as safe as y'all are able out there!


Illustration of a person standing center image wearing a pink apron over white Tshirt and blue jeans. Also wearing pink slippers and pink rubber cleaning gloves.

Text above person: Social Media Cleanup

Text separated into 4 topic bubbles 2 on each side of center -

Mute or unfollow if the account triggers you ; makes you feel small ; doesn't impower or inspire

Set boundaries by Turning off notifications ; Flagging items you don't want to see so they don't show on your algorithm ; Deleting the app and just use the browser option

Make media meaningful by following accounts that match your values ; support your mental health ; make you feel invigorated ; inspire your hobbies and interests

Make your content positive ; show empathy rather than aggression ; don't engage with the trolls

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Link - i.redd.it