Warmongering in Washington, Preparation for War in Moscow: Looks like we're all about to fulfill the Fermi Paradox.

Recent developments might be cause for some concern.

 Russia has now ordered all of its officials to bring home any relatives living abroad.  Failure to do so could compromise their careers.

 A timeline of actions just this month:

 Oct. 3:  Russia suspended three pacts with the US involving nuclear materials.

 Oct 4:  Russia is drafting 152,000 more soldiers.  This is after an earlier draft this year of 155,000.

 Oct. 4:  From Oct.4 through Oct. 7 Russia held civil defense drills involving 40 million civilians and 200,000 emergency workers.  This involved readiness for war conditions involving radiation, chemicals, and biological contamination.

 Oct. 6:  Russia moved warships from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.

 Oct. 9:  Russia deployed nuclear-capable missiles to its westernmost region.  These missiles' range includes Germany, Sweden, Poland and the Baltics.

 Oct. 10:  Russian retired General Yevgeny Buzhinsky said, "If you want a confrontation you'll get one.  But it won't be a confrontation that doesn't harm the interests of the United States.  you want a confrontation, you'll get one everywhere."

 Oct. 11:  Putin cancelled an Oct. 19 visit to France when Pres. Hollande condemned war crimes committed by Syria, Russia's ally in the Middle East.  
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