Watch the Mormon seminary curriculum transform before your very eyes!

The lesson in its original format, then its restored format, and what may be its final format is absolutely despicable.

The CES instructors are supposed to know the essays like the back of their hands but then there's this lesson that tries to repaint the priesthood ban as coming from God?

You'd think the church would try to steer well clear of mentioning the priesthood ban to the upcoming generation because there's no better way to teach people that they shouldn't place 100% confidence in ordinary men than using the priesthood ban as a case study. I'd applaud the church if they used the ban to teach that lesson but I've grown to expect the church that tries to hide things in an effort to keep people ignorant. To see the church use the ban to teach people that policy comes from God, in a post essay world!?!?!?! They're either insane or purposely lying to create thought slaves.

The secular uncle. What a slap in the face. It's clear to me that the church's intent is to inoculate the rising generation against gaining a testimony based on truth. They'll have to forgive me if I play the part of inoculating the rising generation against the church's tactics. Yes, I'm an uncle.

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