Weighed down and no male confidants

That's true. In this one and only life, you have to find make shift parts to fix yourself on your journey to happiness and self reliance and in the end you are the lone wolf that will have to claw your way out of the ditches and ravines along the way. In these times, you will find only beta males, white knights, and manginas, and masses of women and no experienced lumber jacks that will land a huge slap to the back of your shoulder and softly show you how to live life and deal with lifes ups and downs. Societies from all over the world are lacking male fatherhood attention. But then again, men have always been loners and subject to disposability and other "privileges" of gynocentrism. It's these feminized and womanized times that leave men clueless about how to continue their lives. I suggest enriching your life by reading about the lives of men throughout different periods of times and learning past lessons.

Society doesn't teach boys and men how to control their feelings and most boys these days have arrested emotional development and other personality disorders, as a result of the feminized and misandric society we live in. That leaves males to grow physically mature, but don't have the emotional maturity to deal with life's disappointments and hardships. Women are responsible for this, as they have kicked out and beat down the male and taught the boys a females's way of doing things, feeling things, and seeing things. That in itself is a child and human rights abuse, if it was left to me to call it that.

We are forced to grow thick skin, whether we like it or not. We must grow it to survive life's rejections, be it from work or family. Saying life isn't fair doesn't even come close to showing how unfair and bad it can really be. Take care of your health and happiness and protect them. I rest happy knowing that there are millions of bitter, miserable, and unhappy women that don't know shit about how to deal with life.

/r/MGTOW Thread