Weight loss struggle

Bro usually I’m trolling. But I feel you so I’ll say what I can.

Gonna be honest with you, weight loss is almost all about eating right. Start there. People are gonna give you all kinds of diets and excercise plans, and while some work, you don’t need them. Body weight is so very simple, but people over complicate it because it’s hard to have self control. You use a certain amount of calories a day. If you eat less then that amount, you’ll lose weight. If you eat more, you’ll gain it. The biggest change I made personally was only eating when I was hungry, and cutting out snacks. If I wasn’t hungry, I wouldn’t eat. If I was, I’d eat a complete meal. It will also take time, but aim to lose about 2 pounds a week. It’ll be discouraging at times, but you can do it. -from a previous chunker to another

/r/WeightLossAdvice Thread