Well alrighty then

Frank:I got the mail. It’s finally here, the time has come.

Bob: We have to pay bills. I know, adulthood is frightening.

Frank: I’m referring to this high school reunion letter.

Bob: Oh that’s right, I don’t pay bills.

Frank: Don’t remind me. God I hated high school. You know I went to a high school where all the toilets were automatic, the swirlies horrible. It was like bullying got automated. The only solace I found was in the dungeons and dragons club where the statistics teacher was our dungeon master. I couldn't calculate the chances of successfully asking out Rebecca, but I could formulate a plan to raid a dungeon with 87% Accuracy.

Bob: This explains so much.

Frank: I just don’t think I could do it Bob.

Bob: Don’t be like that Bob, I bet you could totally win at Dungeons and Dragons still…

Frank: ...That’s not what I meant.

Bob: I know exactly what you meant Frank.

Frank: Can you help me? I want to impress her. I mean that’s the only reason people go to these things anyway. They want to see if they won the friendship game.

Bob: Friendship game, what do you mean?

Frank: You know, the friendship game. For instance, when we go back for the reunion, everyone will compare themselves to everyone else. We all want to see if we ended up with the better job, better car, better life than my friends from high school. And if you do all that, than you are the winner of the friendship game.

Bob: That seems pretty petty.

Frank: It’s not petty, it's like a contest. It’s just highschool 2.0.

Bob: But that’s just what highschool is, high school is petty.

Frank: I don’t think you get it.

Bob: It seems like this game is just an excuse people use to validate their life choices because they are insecure with the choices they have made within their own life.

Frank: Really Bob, you decided to grow a conscious now?

Bob: I’m just kidding, let's go make fun of people who got fat.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - i.imgur.com