I went from unranked to diamond in 111 games, playing Urgot only, and I'm a little proud of it! AMA?

I have an Urgot onetrick account. I got placed in low silver after my placements but I have gone 8-1 since then, currently aiming for plat because play 3 is the highest my main has ever been.

My question for you is what is your typical build order? I usually go tear -> 10% CDR hammer -> Black Cleaver -> Frozen Heart/Maw (depending on enemy team's damage) and then upgrade my tear whenever I'm almost fully stacked. Sometimes I rush Death's Dance instead of Black Cleaver if I'm crushing a squishy champ in lane but I'm not sure if my typical build order makes the most of Urgot's power spikes. I feel like I often push people out of lane with 50 hp after hitting them with a combo at 50-60% health but I often struggle to get that last little piece for the kill unless I'm fed.

I feel like a monster during all stages of the game unless the enemy team ends up insanely tanky. I struggle the most against Olaf and good Yasuo players because of their ability to ignore my projectiles or CC.

Also, what runes do you run? I have been using pure armor pen reds and quints but I'm not sure if some AD might help in the early game.


/r/leagueoflegends Thread