What are the goals of social conservatism at this point?

No one can speak for an entire group but I hope that an attempt to encourage two parent households (especially among African Americans) and increase birthrates (Europe especially needs this) possibly through tax breaks or other similar means.

I would say that gay marriage is a done deal at this point, even though I am not pro gay marriage, you have to be realistic and realize it is impossible to oppose it on the federal level. I still think states should have the right to define marriage how they want to.

I hope for a more public and honest debate about abortions: As in asking the real questions like "when does a human life receive rights?", as opposed to dishonest rhetoric about imposing religious views or limiting "choice". I don't expect abortion to be outlawed but to limit it by outlawing 2nd or 3rd trimester abortions unless the health of the mother is involved would be a huge step and polls show especially with 3rd trimester abortions that it would be a move backed by a majority of the population.

I am a social conservative who does not care about drugs so I cant comment on legalizing marijuana (as I am mostly for it).

At least for me most of the social conservative battles (except abortion) are outside the political/legislative realm. The ideas of the post modernists need to be fought intellectually in public so that the culture can change. Culture is more important than what laws the government makes. So basically what I mean by this is the idea that men and women are fundamentally different physically and mentally in a general sense and that its not a bad thing for there to be gender gaps in enrollment in different careers and fighting that is fighting nature itself. We also oppose the idea of a gender spectrum instead favoring the idea that for the vast majority of people gender is strictly bi-modal and that although transgender people may believe they are another gender they can never truly change the gender they are born with. Another idea we push for is that the sexual revolution of the 60s and the hook up culture that is popular in the west is detrimental to overall happiness.

The problem with the culture war is that some of us believe Hollywood, the Media and academia (mostly the social sciences) are saturated with the opposing view so in that sense social conservatism should try and be more prominent in those places.

/r/Conservative Thread