What do you do when you have a bad pastor?

She said she was very sorry my brother died, but she told me people can glean wisdom from death and recommended a devotional.

I had a younger brother who died at age 38, leaving behind a wife and two small children. I found no answers in religion to relieve the loss. After spending some time thinking about it, I came to understand two things: (1) my brother was a fun-loving person, and the last thing he would ever want to see is any of us stuck in sadness over his death, rather, he would hassle us about it and to get on living and laughing again, and (2) that all of our experiences together shaped me in some some way, as all of our experiences with each other do, and in that sense he is part of me and will remain so for the rest of my days - I can revisit memories ... and smile and laugh.

/r/Christianity Thread