What does Reddit perpetuate that you, as an expert in that space, know to be bullshit?

It's like reddit forgets that most professors are intelligent people that can see right through irrational, teenage bullshit like this. Most of the SJWs I've heard of were university aged kids, not professors, and the ones who fit into this particular SJW stereotype are nothing but a vocal minority.

This "SJW" thing isn't new, either. There were plenty of students exactly like this when I attended university a decade ago, the difference now is that people are actually paying attention to them. They also have a strong internet presence and are thus more unified/organized in their message. It's not fair to assume that their ideology has corrupted the faculty, though, nor is it some kind of "Cultural Marxism" horseshit (I fucking hate this term and the thought process behind it more than I hate the stereotypical SJW) where professors are indoctrinating the students into some kind of radical, left wing ideology. One of the foundations of Liberal Arts education is logic and critical thinking, and you'll therefore I'm certain that SJWs/Tumblrinas aren't taken seriously by the vast majority of the faculty. Our post secondary institutions would have to have deteriorated way past the point of no return for that to happen. 

All it is, is young people being idiots as young people often are. Young people in a herd are even worse. University campuses are breeding grounds for these types of ideologies and adherents are as quick to pick it up and run with it as they are to grow out of it. Most learn from the experience and allow it to influence their political/social outlook in other, more subdued ways later on (like hippies/yuppies did). The only difference this time is that these particular young idiots found a way to grab the spotlight because: 

A) Our social media platforms and all the clickbait viruses that infest them are powered by your collective outrage. 

B) Their ideology really hits a nerve with people outside of this bubble which is why it keeps coming up everywhere ad nauseum. 

C) Reddit is full of STEM majors/degree holders and SJWs are very much a stereotypical Liberal Arts/Fine Arts thing. 

If anything, this SJW phenomenon is more indicative of the internet being an immature communications medium than it is indicative of young people and the left wing losing their minds.

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