What $GME has taught me in 36 hours of day trading

Yep. I started jumping on board around the 30 dollar mark. Original reason was the DD put forth. Thought the company looked good for a turn around.... I’m still holding some shares for long term. Definitely lost a bunch of unrealized gains though, but still came out up from where I started.

Once it started to rally, the hive mind takes over. Confirmation bias yadda yadda. I started to get more concerned when they started to turn on the people who were their trusted sources earlier... S3 and Ortex data. That was the moment I had the oh shit, time to get out. Of course I wish I would have jumped sooner but a win is a win.

The new people still buying in, in hopes of a further squeeze or buying near the top.... well I feel very bad for them. This has definitely been a valuable lesson that you have to make unemotional choices when it comes to this stuff.

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