What have you guys heard about these Archon negative entities who supposedly control top level Illuminati who run the world, and feed off the public's fear and anxiety energy.

I totally understand your take about politics. In fact I share it with you. The two party system is a false construct. If you would allow I think you simply misinterpreted what you read. Especially after reading your response it seems indeed you share much in common with the ideas on that site. I do not mean to presume let me explain. When I first learned about this group, they posted some wiki leaks emails that confirmed dracos involvement with us government. That caught my attention. Much of their documents seem to connect the dots better than most theories. I think because he/ they use documents obtained directly through foia releases or wiki leaks to confirm. Government involvement with hiding the truth about aliens is widely accepted. Their goal is to expose the truth and unfortunately governments and politicians have been neck deep hiding this information and lieing to the public. That is what the political comments are about. In addition they basically say the whole political construct cannot make changes with in the system, it is too corrupt. The biblical narratives: This group actually agree with you. They say biblical narratives are false and a control mechanism. Even specifically about how it was edited to control people. That it should be interpreted with the idea of extra terrestrials point of view. I Think you might have read too quick which is totally understandable. The site provides the strongest confirmation that I have seen about aliens. It convinced me and I was a skeptic about aliens. Other conspiracies such as with in the healthcare system that was my interest. Aliens? It was not something I can believe without evidence. I am convinced today. Good luck on your journey. Hope you find the truth, it's out there.

Here's the deal.. the mainstream conspiracy stuff or anything you can find out, like these "leaks" in recent years. Trust me, if anything's out there, it's because the government wants it to be.

These guys control all media that people can tune in or read on the internet. If it's "classified top secret" you ain't gonna be able to access it. So these mountains of emails or whatever else that "leaks", is all part of the distraction. You sift thru a mountain of data for half your life, and you didn't keep your eye on how you were getting humped up the ass by the bad guy. You starting to get it now?

ok so this is why I don't waste time trying to keep up with the mainstream conspiracy theories. It's often about political characters. That's just a bunch of back and forth hogwash to keep the larvals preoccupied. It's like trying to keep up with the war shit in the news. You'll spend your life going nowhere.

The bad guys never get spanked. If they do get nabbed with their dick in the cookie jar, lawyers litigate for years. They get a slap on the pecker. Retire, and a new set of schmucks replaces them. But the sinking Titanic always keeps going down the hole. Pretty soon, you won't be able to jump off.

Years ago when this first started, some of it was probably more deeper about what may be going on behind the scenes. Stuff that doesn't have to do with politics. Things with aliens. Workers that'd blow the whistle.

You don't get those kinds of deeper stories in recent years about military operations. Not this fluff in mainstream news about wars or corrupt politicians.

They go oh yeah that's some whistle blowing when they get a new leak. No, the real data about what's going on behind the scenes, they would likely not even have access to it. Probably not even the NSA.

There's likely not even any more whistle blowing by employees because who knows, maybe they got clones doing the work by now, or robots or AI. Probably all off planet. Notice there's not much interesting stuff like the Dulce base alien story in recent decades.

So don't waste your time falling for the trick. What you need to do instead is work towards getting out of the hole. What I'm talking about with these business ideas. Think of your own.

Where you can get to that billionaire level, then do the scientific research on the side. No companies do that, they only focus on their losing sector.

Well, you don't win at the game if you got all your eggs in one basket. All these billionaires, they only stick with that one company they got famous for. I don't get it, man.. They reach that level and they "retire". It's at that point where now you have the power where you can go after this other guy's realm. But they don't. If you're gonna make a store, it has to look like one of them national chain stores. Then people go there, and you make money. Well, once you're a billionaire, you're now at the point where you can do that, but they just all "retire".

They don't even bother trying to do research into new inventions. How you gonna put the competition out of business if it's just like everybody else with the business as usual.

Think of in the past, a long time ago when electricity came along. That changed the world. Nobody's doing anything new like that where, for example, oh all these kerosene lamp guys are now out of business because a new gizmo was invented. How about when they rode horses and the car came along. Whoops that saddle business ain't workin out for ya. Well these billionaires now are like those guys. They think their hot shit but one new gizmo and they're now shit out of luck, aren't they.

Think if you could have a near perpetual gizmo box and wouldn't have to spend money on fuel. Now you could ship stuff around the world and it wouldn't cost you a cent.

That's how you put these schmucks out of business. But they don't get it, they have these huge companies but they're stuck in their little sector of whatever they sell. They never beat the other guys in their field.

Think of making a cure for a disease. The current pharmaceutical industry only works on giving you new pills which then make you have to take more of other kinds. Put those fuckers out of business. Then you'd spend less on healthcare benefits of your employees. Nobody thinks of it that way though. They don't get it. I could go on and on here about examples. Gotta keep it short though. lol.

Get that power to uncover their bullshit. It ain't gonna happen sitting at a computer, monitoring whatever you can find online that Google would take out any actual classified top secret data. It's like you're fucking around with table scraps and there's no more good stuff left. Don't waste your time.

They don't get it though, the larvals. They're all puzzled by the carrot on a string at the end of the stick like a horse. Keep surfing around thinking they'll find it on google earth maps. Relics on mars or the moon. lol. No.. But if ya got your own probe over there, it'd be a different story. So wouldn't it be wiser to work towards how you could get your own probe going? That ain't gonna happen sitting around reading the Bible yet again. lol. You know what's going on in there, perhaps move on instead of playing video games for 20 years now, during all your spare time.

Time to change game-plan ya guys. There is no needle in the bottom of that mainstream conspiracy haystack. They made sure they took that out. They got lotsa bullshit "fluff" though they put in the haystack to keep you distracted and busy with, for many years. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, they're fuckin you in the ass the whole time. Shouldn't you be trying to do something with getting their dick out of your ass instead.

You gotta work towards getting the power and money to where you can get fucking boots on the ground instead.

The biblical narratives: This group actually agree with you. They say biblical narratives are false and a control mechanism. Even specifically about how it was edited to control people. That it should be interpreted with the idea of extra terrestrials point of view. I Think you might have read too quick which is totally understandable.

I gotta get working on my own shit eh. Like trying to get through this tread but it's costing me days in the hole here. Got a music video to get to. haha. So yeah.. can't do it, buddy. lol.

The site provides the strongest confirmation that I have seen about aliens.

I'm sure it's charming and everything, but time's up with the "internet" losing. Ya gotta get out there in the real world. Then you find these real "aliens" instead of them being pixels on a screen.

Good luck on your journey. Hope you find the truth, it's out there.

I will.. but lets get the ball rolling. The "research" online has been done. Time to move to the next concrete step. ok so get rolling on that instead of fucking clicking a mouse or smart phone, researching.

You know what's likely going on out there. Now how do you get your actual hands on it. Not more mouse clicking doing researching. It's like you graduated from the conspiracy school of hard knocks.. now it's time to do some actual door knocking on the bad guy's door. Ding-dong. Who's there.. not me, but A.I. lol. You can keep staying in school if you want, but it's time to rock and roll instead, buddy. lol. So either keep losing with what you're doing, or join the actual Matrix resistance.

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