What is the hardest part of dating you?

Anxiety and my quirks that go with it. Ie. My "worry hole" as my fiancé has dubbed it. If I have nothing major to worry about, I start worrying about little things like --

Leaving my apartment -- I have to do a little .. ritual? I count my cats, check the windows, and stove. When I lock the door I twist the handle and push to make sure it's locked 2-3 times. Then I say to myself "even if I can't remember if I locked the door later, I know right now that I have". Writing this out makes it sound so ridiculous, but it works. Before I started doing this there was a few times I got half way to work, convinced myself I left the door open, and have gone back to check.

Luckily, I was never late for work because another part of my anxiety is I'm always early. Super early. I start getting really nervous if my timing is off from my expected timeframe.

I, also, get incredibly scared of certain types of travel. I'm scared of boats and planes. I tend to say shit to myself like 'this could be the metal coffin I die in' when I enter planes specifically... it's something I can't shake, but meditation helps. I've stopped crying during turbulence which is a plus. Work trips are now less awkward.

I'm also that person that diagnoses myself and goes to the doctor to talk about it. ('I think I have a torn retina!!!' .. Doctor: no')

If I don't have anything actively to stress about, I get anxiety thinking I'm just forgetting something important.

Man, i feel like a nut after writing this out.

/r/AskWomen Thread