What is the last genuinely nice thing you've done for a stranger?

I know in reddit's eyes, it is the most horrendous thing to do, but I always carry $20 cash in $1 bills. I always give the homeless money when they ask for it. I especially look forward to giving the homeless money that want to wash my windows. People always say to the homeless, "Get a job." Well, that is a fucking 100% real job. They are doing what they can with the abilities they have at that particular moment. If you are a person who thinks they should get a job, you should always pay the homeless a buck or two to wash your windows. If you say that, you especially have extra duty to live up to your words and principles. If you don't want them touching your $200,000 Ferrari, fair enough, give them the fucking stupid $2 anyways, they are sincerely trying, even though I don't think a homeless person would even offer.

I would urge everyone reading this, to get $20 in $1 bills, and try it, just one time, why not, you've spent $20 for worse things, and you know it. I guarantee it will be habit forming and you will like it. If you can't afford it, no worries, but if you can spare $20, just try it for a week.

Just try it. Don't worry about the drug thing, or the sock thing, or the buy them food thing, or whatever other reason you have. I'm just asking you to trust a random internet stranger to try it. No harm no foul, if you don't like it, that's cool.

If you live in a high homeless area, you can be more discreet about how much you give out, I'm not saying give out $20 per day, but where I live, it is about $20 in 2 weeks.

/r/AskReddit Thread