What It's Like To Live as An Ugly Girl

Here's the thing. I like to think myself as a pretty person. The only flaw I have/had was a big nose, and way too much body hair (because of my heritage) and thanks to laser hair removals, now I only dislike my nose which isn't even that bad.
Now, story time. First day of school. The girl in front of me drops her pencil case. I drag it towards myself with my foot since it was under the desk and far away, and then pick it up and give it to her. She looks at me, and then starts screaming at me for touching her pencilcase with my foot. I apologize. Parents get involved. My mom tells me it's no big deal. I go back to my seat, only to realize she put her bag there & will not allow me to sit. I accept my fate and find some other place to sit.
This goes on for the next 8 years. She does something cruel to me, and I accept it. What you have to understand here is that she isn't someone you'd consider pretty. And for the next 8 years, she bullied me. Whenever I said/did something in return, she would start crying, and I would go console her. All the adults supported her (except my parents because they always refuse to believe their child is wrong).
My point here is that she was nowhere close to me regarding looks, but she still had the power to rule the goddamn school. All it took was confidence. There were tons of other girls who were prettier than her, too, and they were friends. But she was the leader of their group. If she was a bit nicer, she could basically rule any other community she's in.
I know how stupid it is to tell someone to be more confident. And I'm not even going to try to defend that beauty doesn't give an unfair advantage. But you have to understand that when people say "beauty isn't everything", they don't mean that the rest is personality/having a good heart. Sadly, being nice will get you nowhere. Sure, you could feed the homeless and live a humble and happy life with a good heart, and that would be more than what I will ever have. But if you want something more, you have to fight. You have to be confident. You have to have that aura of I know what the fuck I am doing, and I know I can do it better than you.
I am sorry if this does not help, or if the beginning of my post seemed like I was boasting (or whatever that word is) but I believe you understand my point now. I wish you all the best, friend.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread