What do men think of the Pink pill?

To me it seems that pink pillers make a very common mistake of not seeing any difference between a man and a 16-year-old boy.

This has absolutely no bearing towards what is discussed amongst pink pillers

Man or boy, it doesnt matter. Men do modulate their behavior towards women based on their attractiveness or, you can say, potential sexual utility. Claiming a male maturity we are lucky to see in a lifetime speaks nothing of established societal standards

You're going to tell me you dont see men justifying abuse towards women who are not young enough or pretty enough? Are you going to claim when the standard "insult looks to knock u down a peg" cant work, men dont default to "u are useless bc ur a woman and only good for sex"?

No one wants to be honest about male nature when talking to women. Especially men.

As such, we insist of it. You cannot create effective strategy by refusing to look at the way things are.

Thats what pink pillers do.

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