What’s the biggest double life you’ve ever personally seen revealed?

So I befriended a girl in High School I'll call her "N", and at the time I had a girlfriend we'll call her "E".

A little necessary backstory: My mother had allowed "E" to move in with us to finish her senior year of HS when her family moved to FL because we had been pretty serious for almost 2 years and she became close with my family.

So as I become closer friends with "N" she starts to divulge some pretty horrific secrets to me. She told me stories of her family's abuse. Things like they would cut her with knives, starve her(crazy skinny so believable), she only had a mattress in her room, they would beat her, her brother raped her, they would force her to have sex with older men for money, etc. She even came to school one day with fresh blood on one of her undershirts from a cut she had suffered. She also says she has some condition that causes her to cough up blood and that she doesn't have much longer to live. Now I wanted to tell a teacher, she literally cried begging me not to; but I just couldn't do nothing.

So I went to my Mom and told her everything, because this is way too much for a 16-17 year old to handle. Well naturally being the kind-hearted selfless woman she is. My mom extended an invitation to this poor girl to come live with us, and she accepted. When "N" moved in she acted extremely skittish, would always cough up blood, and was always hanging out with "E" and I. Well "E" and I started to have some serious relationship issues and ended up breaking up. This was the point that "N" revealed that she was basically in love with me. Not being a dick I decided I wasn't going to date "N", "E" still living with us and all; but then she pulled the whole I'm dying card and I gave in.("E" was dating someone who she brought over frequently so don't judge too harshly)

Fast forward 2 and a half years. "N" and I are still dating but she hates all of the friends I made in college. She ends up moving in with me and bans me from hanging out or contacting them. Because of this a few months later we inevitably break up. It's a little after this that I re-enter the dating pool and hit up an old friend from High School we'll call her "R" that just so happened to have been one of "N"s good friends.(they weren't anymore) It was at this point that I had become suspicious of everything "N" had told me. So I asked her about all of it...and as it turned out none of it had been true and she had made all of it up so that my Mom would let her move in with us because she knew with "E" living with me she would never have had a chance so her move was to break us up.

Typing all of this out is honestly kind of surreal, I'm shaking a little bit honestly; and I also left A LOT out of the story.

TLDR: EX-GF killed my ability to trust people.

/r/AskReddit Thread