What is something you know but you’re not supposed to know?

I am a 20 year old girl. The reason why I never want to visit my extended family in Turkey is because my older cousin tried to take advantage of me, gave me the sex talk when I did not want to have it, asked to see my private parts and later in my teens tried to date me.

I found out from my mother not long ago, that he is adopted abd has no idea. Apperently the whole town knows it, too. The reason I do not hate him as much is that allegedly his biological mother had severe mental illnesses that her own family abandoned her. She lived on the streets, no one took care of her and it was pretty well known in town that several men had raped her.

I know epigenetics is a thing, but this was a major eye opener for me. He started being creepy when he was only in late elementary school.

Now whenever I go to visit extended family, I am extremely anxious. And everyone asks me what is wrong with me. I dont want to tell anyone, because they will blame me.

I talked to my mom about a couple instances. She seemed disgusted and was mad. I asked her not to tell anyone. However a couple weeks later she proceeded to meet up with him when she was in Turkey. Her defence was that she couldmt possible abonden him. So yeah...

(The part I am not supposed to know is his bio mom and the adoption.)

/r/AskReddit Thread