What Have You Watched This Past Week That is NOT a Currently Airing Show? [May 17th, 2015]

Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise

Holy. Shit. This movie was absolutely fantastic. I'd dare say it's probably my second favourite movie ever now, behind Forrest Gump.

This is Gainax, of Evangelion, Gurren Lagann and FLCL fame's first work, and may in fact be their best along with Gunbuster. The animation was outstanding, the music was brilliant, the story was great and Shiro's and humanity as a whole's coming of age is just a truly timeless tale that I'll remember for years to come. This is definitely Gainax's most beautiful looking work. I loved how subtle some of Shiro's character development was and I just overall found him a brilliant character.

I'd love to go further into why this is great, but I really can't say anything but to watch it for yourself. It's probably the best sci-fi movie I've ever seen.


Patema Inverted

Another movie I watched this week that was also truly brilliant. The art was great and I found the setting really interesting. I love how the screen would constantly shift throughout the movie. Clearly a very theme orientated movie and I must say it did very well at that. I loved how it portrayed them, and it just made for a super interesting watch. Not much else to say about this one, I really liked it and definitely will be rewatching in the future, but Honneamise just completely overshadowed it for me this week. Still an absolutely fantastic movie and I'm very very glad that I listened to the WT! thread because I wouldn't have ever checked it out otherwise.


/r/anime Thread