What was the weirdest substitute teacher you had going through school?

Mrs. Pickraw (I’m spelling it how it’s pronounced, not how she actually spells it). I had her for a few weeks for French when my French teacher was out getting eye surgery or something. Here are some notable stories:

Someone threw an eraser at the back of her head. She turned around and said, “Who said that?”.

We put one of those ringing timers in the back of the room just to mess with her. We thought she’d go back and turn it off when it went off. Nope. She answered the phone, realized no one was on the other line, hung up, went back to teaching, and then went to the phone again to answer it once she realized the sound hadn’t gone away. We felt bad, so someone just got up and turned the timer off.

We argued with her about colors for some reason. She’d tell us to turn to a certain page in our book, and she’d refer to it as the color (there were some blue and yellow pages that indicated different types of exercises). She’d say, “look at the yellow page,” and we’d interrupt and say, “No, the page is lime green.” She’d argue back, and it was a huge time waster.

She called mine and one of my friend’s houses one night to ask whose paper was whose. Apparently we both submitted homework assignments and didn’t put our names at the top. She needed to know whose was whose. So she dead ass asked me to describe my handwriting. I was dumbfounded and told her I’d just come to see her in the morning to tell her which was mine.

We eventually stopped messing with her because there was obviously something seriously wrong with her. We genuinely felt bad because she had no clue we were messing with her. When our French teacher got back, we spent an entire day our French teacher all the crazy stuff that went on. Our French teacher told us she wouldn’t use that sub again.

Other teachers used this sub because my school is small and there’s only a small list of substitutes. Apparently, when she was subbing for an English teacher, a few kids wanted to see if they could duct tape a desk to the back wall of the room. They succeeded, and just left the desk there. Someone also put a chair out in the courtyard just because they could.

Another time, Mrs. Pickraw got lost. There are a total of 3 legitimate hallways in my old high school, and if you drew a floor plan, it’d look like an uppercase T. Our school is only one story. She got lost. Why? Because a senior English class told her she had the wrong classroom just to mess with her.

Eventually teachers stopped using her because she was so clueless that students were tempted to mess with her and see what they could get away with.

/r/AskReddit Thread