What was your first breakup like?

The relationship started out like a movie, we were obviously in love and everything was going perfect, until the day she lied about getting called into work just hours before we were supposed to take a trip home to visit my family (her first time) for the weekend. Our communication was very strong and mature for the most part, except she was hesitant to ever bring up something difficult to anybody no matter how minor or important it was.

I had asked her every few days for the month leading up to that weekend if she was sure she had the time off because I knew it was a new job, and she always said yes; but that morning I woke up to a text from her that she had a conference call with her supervisor and district mgr saying that she can take the time off but it would look bad as the new person in that position, and at the end she threw in "anyways I'm crying now." I didn't realize it at the time, but she had been manipulating me in small ways like that and once I was finally aware of it things went downhill.

All the family, financial, and emotional problems that she had repressed were made evident, and I, as the overly-optimistic fool in love that I was, thought that with all the care I had for her I could help; save her from the problems that were so obviously overwhelming her. There was one night she was pressured by her parents (for a long and fucked up reason) into driving 5 hours at midnight to them and back. She didn't have to, it was obviously not safe, but she couldn't bring herself to making the hard decision to say no. I drove along with her that night because she was going to with or without me, and I ended up driving the last 3 hours when she started dozing off, she 100% would've died that night. She had been sleeping maybe 4-5 hours each day for weeks and her sense of rationality had slowly disappeared, she wouldn't have stopped to get sleep.

After that, I had a heart-to-heart with my parents and they helped me realize I had no choice but to let her grandma (the only trustworthy person in her family) know that she was being put in danger like that. We had a long phone conversation and she was so thankful that I let her know, because of course my ex never brought anything like that up. Ex found out and was terrifyingly paranoid that we were plotting against her behind her back. She went and cussed out her grandma, then cut her out of her life (which is disgusting to me) and we broke up after a very short argument in which I brought up that she needs counseling. During my conversation with the gma, after telling her about how Ex had been acting lately, she said she was scared my ex was developing the same personality disorders her mom (the gma's daughter) had. After being blown up on by Ex so many times while trying to help, I just couldn't not say it, I mentioned that I was also scared she was heading down that path. She was furious, there was no conversation after that. It was too difficult for her to face the realities in front of her, so she just cut me out and continued living in her increasingly delusional fantasy.

I want to be mad at her, but I don't anymore, I just feel bad for her. She's eventually going to self-destruct and nothing I did or could have done would have helped.

/r/AskMen Thread