What was your moment of "Thank God i trusted my gut feeling"?

I used to live in Seattle's U District, in a crappy little apartment. One time, at about 10:30 at night, some guy showed up at my door while my girlfriend was over. I'd been talking loudly, right on the other side of the door, so when the guy knocked, I figured I couldn't exactly pretend I wasn't home. Plus, it was supposed to be a secured building: you needed a key to get inside, then another key to get into your apartment.

Guy says he lives in the apartment directly below mine, lost his keys, and had to call a locksmith. Seemed odd, but he was asking if I could pitch him $5 to pay the guy. Pulled out the $5 and handed it to him, and then he said it was $15 or $20 he'd asked for. I figure, screw it, give him the cash, and shut the door. About an hour or so later, after my girlfriend and I turn off the lights and are watching a movie, the door starts to rattle like someone's trying to open it, but the deadbolt is on, so it doesn't move much.

The next day, I saw the young, Asian couple who had just had a baby and moved in below me. They looked nothing like the guy who showed up at my door, and neither did anyone else in the complex.

Another time, I went out drunk to pick up a free recliner across the street; some dude showed up out of a nearby dark alley, was about 45, and sketchy as hell looking. He started to tell me about this "great frat party" down the road and how if I followed him into the alley, I'd have a great time. I was drunk, but I wasn't a partier, so I told him no and went back home. I did get that recliner though, and it was pretty great. Used it for about two years with no complaints.

/r/AskReddit Thread