What is your number 1 college money saving tip?

if you are budget constrained, consider the difference between a $10k/yr school and a $50k/yr school. if you know your field and really are in one of the best schools, shoot for the higher and make sure you network and do internships etc. otherwise, if you don't know your major, go to a state college or univ which is cheaper.

don't pay for any cable. interferes with school and is a waste of money. just used netflix/youtube/amazon or whatever.

ask for student discounts on everything you purchase.

never buy a new book. college books are the biggest rip off. used they can even go for $50+. new? i often had classes with $180+ texts. stupid.

drop your current cell phone plan for /r/ringplus, get a plan and upgrade when they have a 5000 min plan (which will probably be free). they offer it about once every month or so.

buy rice cooker and maybe pressure cooker or crock pot.

if you date, pick a cheap date. otherwise, its generally cheaper not to date.

but don't waste your college years just because you want to save $1. having exeriences often costs money. just maximize your $$ and experiences.

/r/Frugal Thread