What's a realistic age group for a guy in his late 30s?

I’m 38, my girlfriend is 23. She is the best woman I’ve ever met and I will definitely marry her, but this is due only in part to her youth. But as for that part here it is:

-fertility. I want lots of children and that’s not optimal with a 30+ woman. This biological fact often sparks a lot of anger but science is science.

-there is something about women who spend their twenties going from one bed to another that I find instantly unattractive. Most men are scoundrels, so women who go from one partner to another lose their optimism and sweetness and pick up all sorts of bad habits. I want my partner to be open to the new, better and more honorable way of living that I stand for,

-physical attraction. I don’t care how much feminist propaganda comes out of the woodwork I am never going to not be attracted to a young beautiful woman. But one thing I have learned is that physical beauty is only a small part of physical attraction. When you combine trust, respect and physical beauty you get unparalleled attraction and a solid foundation to build on.

Hope that helps. Not saying “the younger the better” but also, don’t discount the younger women.

/r/Bumble Thread