What's stopping you from moving ahead in life ?

Things were all going so well for me. Everything was going amazingly. I was the most confident, fearless, happy, healthy, optimistic individual. The world was my damned oyster.

Then extreme tragedy struck. And now here I am a year later, riddled with anxiety, despair, and health issues as a result of trauma. For every step forward I take, it's another 2 steps back. Every progress I make in my trauma-related health issues, another health issue pops up. I have lost all zest and ambition to pursue my artistic goals. I thought I was on the cusp of having children, but then the tragedy struck, and now I feel like I can't possibly have children any time soon as I am too fucked up and traumatized.

It fucking sucks. I literally felt like, exactly this time last year, I was at the highest point of my life, and like everything I wanted was just about to happen, and now I can't think about the future, and now I am just surviving my life, and not succeeding at it.

Fucking sucks.

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread