What's the thing that keeps you playing even when you decide to quit league?

Character design... Riot's been getting really good at allowing you to fulfill power fantasies. The release of Darius, imo, is the point where character design really picked up, with characters with consistently cohesive kits and power fantasies. Then, again imo, with the release of Jinx (maybe Lucian, but he's pretty similar to graves,) they took ANOTHER step forward with character design and started giving us some of the most memorable and unique characters in the game, almost consistently (I would consider Kalista, Kindred espesically, and maybe Azir to have character/gameplay mismatches or just weak design.) No other MOBA's that I've played I've had a character click with me so easily, and kept me engaged in their gameplay patterns/design.

Draven's a good example of this, but my personal favourite is Fiora. Fiora is the Grand Duelist, and your job is to win 1v1's, and she's really good at it. But your kit is less binary then pantheon (very weak character design) where you just throw spears at someone everytime they get in range of you. It's effective, but it's not engaging. Fiora has windows of power, something they really started embracing with their first step up in character design when she has a favourable vital and her W is up... but you're not useless when that's not the case, and you're not grossly overpowered (until later in the game, but that keeps with the fantasy) because you hit one vital. You need to predict and react to your opponent, and if you're versus Fiora, her moves are almost telegraphed in a similar way to Draven's axes, so you have to mindgames with the Fiora player.

You end up having a niche that you're good at, but not unfair to play against, and you feel skillful while doing it. Jumping around your opponent and using his moves against him feels very much like something a grand duelist would do, so you're engaged in your characters fantasy. I think a term Riot has used is "expression of skill," where your powerful moments have you do more then just faceroll across a keyboard, is very relevant.

So while in actuality, I prefer a lot of things in Dota, sometimes I just feel like "oh man I feel like dueling some people top," or "man aurelion's so cool I want to get better at him," and while this isn't true most of the time, I'm just thinking "I wanna get some LP" when I'm wavering on if I still want to play the game or not, these are the things that make me stay.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread