When someone's response is, "We can't just come from nothing, "God" had to have created us, we had to be created by someone/something." What is your thoughts/responses for that?

As for your comment, William Lane Craig responds to a similar question this way:

“…that anything that begins to exist from nothing has a cause, that the universe began to exist from nothing, therefore the universe has a cause… Now, his refutation is the old appeal to quantum mechanics to say that in quantum mechanics things begin to exist from nothing—and that's just patently false. In the first place there are at least ten different physical interpretations of the mathematical equations of quantum mechanics, and some of these physical interpretations are fully deterministic. It is only in some of these – principally the Copenhagen interpretation – that events are said to occur without determinate causes. But that's only one out of at least ten different interpretations of quantum mechanics, and nobody knows which physical interpretation is correct…—it does nothing to prove that even quantum events can begin to exist from nothing. But, secondly, in any case it is simply not true that quantum events begin to exist from nothing. These events are the result of fluctuations in the quantum vacuum, which is not nothing. When these virtual particles, for example, form in the vacuum they are fluctuations of the energy that is locked up in the vacuum, it is a sea of fluctuating energy governed by physical laws, having a rich physical structure. There is nothing in quantum mechanics, even on the indeterministic interpretations, which would suggest that things literally come into being from nothing.”

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